Full Pass

What is it?

Attend as many lessons as you want during the week, without any numerical limitations, depending on your life schedule and conquer in one season all the dances you want!

Follow the NON-negotiably most economical program of GROUP lessons, which contains all the most popular International and Greek Dances!

What does it offer me?

I start with all the dances and I have the ability to choose which ones I will keep until the end!

Complete level of steps with the possibility to participate in exams for the acquisition of amateur diplomas in as many dances as I wish!

The ability to dance is cultivated much more than if I chose only one dance!

Social Dancing

with FULL PASS tracking

Who is it for?

The FULL PASS is addressed to those who:

  • Their huge desire to learn more than one dance
  • Maybe they even want to learn all the dances
  • They want it to become their main hobby of this year
  • To engage in dance for one season and learn everything

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